​​​​​​​ A nature-based, early childhood program, built on the inspiration of the schools in the municipality of Re​ggio Emilia, Italy.

        ​​Children's Enrichment on the Cape

We are situated on 4 acres of extraordinary outdoor spaces including nature trails, playscapes, fields for playing games,  the outside "atelier"​, a sledding hill,  music, our children's garden, and caring for our goats and alpacas!  We run, climb, play and pretend.  We take risks, hide, observe, read under the apple tree, and sketch in the woods.  We spend hours in the woods, we hike the Greenbelt Trail, explore the coastline and beach, and visit other local farms. Children learn about caring for themselves, for others, and for the earth by composting and recycling, and building empathy and kindness. These children will become the next generation to care for the earth, and it's our responsibility to teach them to care for and respect the environment.  Children will learn skills through a variety of well-rounded experiences, that will build an enthusiasm for life-long learning.

Children's Enrichment on the Cape is a state licensed program enrolling children from infants through age 5. We are committed to teaching and learning in the natural environment, where  children are immersed in nature and authentic play. Interest-led learning supports the children and teachers as they work together as researchers -- finding answers, problem solving, scaffolding their learning, and sparking their curiosity and discoveries!.